As an independent healthcare and risk brokerage, Rudi Liebenberg Financial Services, Registration number 2000/036961/23 focuses on providing unrivaled financing solutions to a broad spectrum of clients.
This professional service extends to corporations as well as individuals, concentrating specifically on medical aid scheme memberships, insurance based hospital plans and healthcare financing.
Rudi Liebenberg Financial Services started up as an Independent Brokerage in 2000 and has shown tromendes growth since.
We firmly believe that our phenomenal expansion is due to our commitment to our customers, providing them with the best products and services aimed at their specific needs.
We are confident that this upward trend will continue as our dedicated brokers, with their expertise in the healthcare and risk industry, retain and grow our client base by providing professional, comprehensive and informed advice.
Business Principal
With Rudi Liebenberg Financial Services commitment to best practices, superior service standards, attention to detail and fast turnaround times, we have built and maintained lasting relationships with our valued members, ensuring constant referrals that aid in strengthening our position in the market.